Applied Artificial Intelligence
for CPG & Retail Industry

What makes us different


Product Categories

Markets Worldwide

Who we are

Over two decades in CPG and Retail, we’ve gained profound insights into commercial challenges through client interactions

Leveraging on academic background, we’ve harnessed extensive industry knowledge to create sophisticated AI and Machine Learning algorithms addressing five key challenges in revenue optimization.

Integrated into a specialized software platform, these algorithms empower clients with precise and agile solutions, meeting the intricate demands of Revenue Management in CPG & Retail.


Supporting our clients’ critical commercial decisions

Demand understanding & forecasting

Enhancing portfolio assortment

Pricing & promotion optimization

Better trade spending

Media investments allocation


Assess and understand which variables determine the demand in order to create a strategic forecast. Create plans to offset the impacts on volumen from non controllable variables.

Provide the revenue growth management process and commercial teams the advanced intelligence to solve business problems.

Key Questions to be answered

Which KPIs or variables influence demand?
How vulnerable are sales to uncontrollable variables?
Which are the tools that can be influenced in order to impact sales?
How volume is expected to be behave in future periods?
Which are future sales lower and upper thresholds?

Achieved a 3.2% uplift in revenue through the implementation of advanced sales forecasting models, outperforming internal benchmarks.


Assess and define an optimal assortment combination for each retail environment.

Create plans to improve current situation and find growth opportunities.

Provide the revenue growth management process and commercial teams the advanced intelligence to solve business problems.

Key Questions to be answered

How large is the interaction among the own portfolio?
Where are SKUs located in the role matrix?
Which items are incremental and which have a cannibalization rol?
Which should be the order of SKUs to be offer for each retail environment?
From where each SKU is sourcing its volume in terms of assortment and distribution?
Are there items that have an impact on the competition but not within the internal portfolio?

Optimized store assortments through advanced analytics and machine learning, driving a 9% increase in turnover and a 16% reduction in immobilized stock. This strategy enhanced profitability by concentrating investments on high-impact product combinations.


Assess and establish the optimal price-pack structure and promotional strategy to maximize key business growth drivers.

Provide the revenue growth management process the advanced intelligence to solve business problems.

Key Questions to be answered

How does pricing impact sales for each product in our portfolio?
Should we focus on specific price points or maintain a price gap advantage?
Which competitor products influence our sales due to their pricing?

Are there interactions among our products that affect pricing strategies? What’s the optimal price increase?

Is our incentive structure effective?
How will price changes affect sales, revenue, and profit?

What is the best promotional strategy to drive growth?

Should we respond to competitor promotions?
If so, how?

Leveraged a machine learning-driven, customized pricing strategy tailored to regional and retailer-specific demands, resulting in a 16% increase in sales volume with only a 1% reduction in profit margin impact.


Assess and establish a promotional calendar that assures the best ROI and maximizes key business growth drivers.

Provide the revenue growth management process and commercial teams the advanced intelligence to solve business problems.

Key Questions to be answered

Which is the efficiency of the current promotional calendar?
Are there any differences among the different promotional vehicles?
Which activations provide the highest incrementality? Are the any negatives cross effects?
How vulnerable are my products to competitor’s activations? Should I respond each time they promote? How?
Can we optimize the promotional investments? Which activations provide highest ROI?
Which activations should we increment, reduce or eliminate?

The solution utilized machine learning and AI to streamline promotional investments, cutting costs by 16% while boosting total sales by 21%. This approach prioritized high-impact promotions and minimized internal cannibalization.


Assess and establish a campaign that assures the best ROI and maximizes key business growth drivers.

Provide the revenue growth management process and commercial teams the advanced intelligence to solve business problems.

Key Questions to be answered

Which is the efficiency of current campaigns?

Are there any differences among the vehicles?
Which campaign or vehicle provide the highest incrementality? Are the any negatives cross effects?
How vulnerable are my products to competitor’s campaigns? Should I respond each time they communicate? How?
Can we optimize the investments? Which vehicles or platforms provide highest ROI?
Which campaigns should we increment, reduce or eliminate?

Optimized media investment strategy by reallocating resources from low-impact activities to high-yield initiatives, leading to a 5% profit uptick.


Leading the Way: Partnering with Top-Tier Clients

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